Adulthood (4 years up to 7+ years)
Health Monitoring: Now that your pup has matured, this stage is key into their senior years. Watching their weight, how much water they drink, their energy levels, checking their teeth for cleanings and identifying any changes in their social or mental state are very important.
Routine Exams: Like I said, these are the most important years to get ahead and understand, as the owner, how your pet's health is tracking. Your dog might not need it yet, but consider bi-annual wellness visits (2x/year).
Track Everything (especially bloodwork): Don't just leave the vet with a receipt. Make sure you grab copies of all the medical records, especially bloodwork, and spend time at home reviewing the numbers. If you pet type is known to have congestive heart or kidney disease, follow those numbers very closely. Know what is normal and out of range and compare those to your last appointment.
Organs and Diet: Once you identify potential future organ or disease related concerns, research those against your pets current diet. Certain organs fight each other like the heart and kidney (just like with humans). The heart doesn't like a lot of fluid, but the kidneys do to flush out toxins. They both don't like a salty diet. It is important to narrow in and learn about them early on in the life cycle.